Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let's talk TV!

My husband and I have turned to TV on dvd for tube time before going to bed. When we do watch TV we watch shows on dvr and never watch shows live anymore. It's so crazy from what TV used to be! And it works well with our lifestyle. With 5 kids going in different directions, work, and all of our own personal interests we really don't have the TV on during the day anymore. Sometimes the kids will watch one of the Disney channel shows after school to relax, but then it's off and we are on to more homework, dinner, clean up or evening activities, then getting ready for bed, etc. After they are all down Rob and I get ready for bed and watch a show in our room all cozied up in bed. We even have "wedge" pillows for optimal comfort and view! :) Here's what we've seen over the last few years:

The West Wing- watched all season on dvd, loved it! Great story development, great characters.

Friday Night Lights- watched all seasons available, there's one more coming and we can't wait!!! Love it! These characters are great and the Texas Twang is just too good.

The Office- We have watched these on dvd to get caught up and then the last few seasons we've seen on the dvr and then have bought the seasons afterwards because we love them so much, they crack us up!

House- Ahh, the character you love to hate, but secretly root for because you know beneath that exterior is someone really good that just needs to change. I confess I have to turn away for a lot of the medical nastiness. Too gross for me, but Rob gives me the play by play. We started these on dvd and now watch current on the dvr.

LOST- This one held my interest and sent my mind reeling in all different directions. The characters were so rich and so well developed and I felt like I knew them. As it progressed, the characters are what kept me coming back because the storyline was just too hokey. In the end I just had to roll my eyes at all the different ways they took things and didn't resolve stuff and it just was so left field, but the characters....loved them.

Grey's Anatomy- our new love! Decided to check out this series based on some friends' love for the show. Just finished season one and my husband saw the finale coming. After he said so, I felt it too. Can't wait to see where that one is going to go. Love the story lines and the character development is great in this one too.

For reality TV I watch American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. Both in the off season now, but Idol will start up in January and I can't wait to see what they do without Simon!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Movie: 'RED'

Um, Yo-Down.

Saw this in the theater tonight. Stars Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Mary Louise Parker, and some other old dude with gray, greasy curls in the back of his head and a shine top.

I guess it's a guy thing to see car crashes, guns shooting and never hitting anything, punching and wrestling and bloody noses. And some one-up comments. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't mind it so much if there's a cool plot to go with it, but not so much with this movie.

RED stands for retired, extremely dangerous. Former CIA agents are on a hitlist for some somethin' or another that happened in their whilom days. They have to redeem themselves. Poor helpless love interest gets caught up in the middle of it. Yawn.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Books: Hunger Game Series

Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mocking Jay: all three thumbs up! Finished the series when the 3rd one came out a little while ago. (2010)

Haven't blogged what I've been reading/watching in quite some time. Anyways, loved this series. Fast paced, gripping, makes you really think what you might be capable of in a situation where survival was the main priority. Also makes you think about how those situations mess with your head and ruin you emotionally. On a smaller scale (or not for a few people) we all have situations that alter how we react with people and the world, things that kind of break us down. I thought the main character had spunk and found myself wanting to tell her to think rationally, but then would realize that in the situations given, probably you can't be rational! I thought it ended well, appropriately, and I was satisfied.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Book: 'Marker'

read 5/09 by Robin Cook, Rating:yo-up!

Great book! Had me caught up in it from the beginning. I like the format that you got to get inside the mind of that bad 'guy' even from the beginning. Knowing what they were thinking and who they were going to strike beforehand added more angst to my reading. I was desperately wanting to warn the next victims. The storytelling was creative and suspenseful and intricate and super smart.....but (had to give some positive before the negative). It irked me that there were about 4 or 5 evidences of poor proof-reading and editing. Found my first error on I think, page 3. It also really bugged me that the relationship struggle was one of the main components in the book and that that the author did not tie that up neatly at the end. And also (spoiler alert) it did not make sense that the higher ups decided to take Jazz out, yet giver another assignment to 'sanction' before they did. They had already decided that she was a risk. It would have been ok if the author would have addressed that and had given reason from the perspective of the higher-ups about why they chose to give her that last assignment. I am trying to have more tolerance, but I hate it when something like this happens in a story that I'm loving and it kind of ruins the credibility of the story for me. Ugh. I will try this author again though, I really did like the book.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Book: 'Angels and Demons'

read 5/09 'Angels and Demons' by Dan Brown. Rating: yo WAY up!

What a fantastic read. This guy is so intelligent...I just don't know how someone's mind can think so intricately and keep it all straight and believable and then tie it up nicely in the end. Feel bad for whatever I read next because it probably won't measure up!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Magazine- LifeExtension

May 2009 issue Rating: yo-up!

I LOVE my subscription to LifeExtension. I started my subscription last fall and love the chock full pages of health and nutrition information. It tells you what vitamins and supplements are good for preventing and helping to treat certain health ailments and diseases. Granted a lot of it is still over my head, but one day I'm hoping it all sinks in and I will be able to integrate the knowledge and really benefit from it.

From the magazine
Example of learning: Vitamin C intake should be at least 10x higher than RDA. Vitamin C intake is necessary because the human body cannot synthesize it. Although the current RDA is 90 mg/day for men and 75 mg/day for women, authorities disagree about the optimal intake....Unfortunately modern farming and food storage techniques have decreased the micronutrient content of foods, making it difficult to obtain enough vitamin C from diet alone. The authors concluded that healthy persons should take at least 1000 mg/day supplemental vitamin C, along with five servings of fruits and vegetables, to prevent disease. (Laura J. Ninger)

Monday, April 27, 2009

CD: Jordin Sparks, self titled debut album, Jordin Sparks

Rating:yo-up! original release date Nov. 20, 2007 and I probably purchased close to that date. Love it. Just listened to it again today on my run and smiled because I can usually relate song titles to what I'm doing.

First on the ipod though was Broken Wing (original by Martina McBride) which she knocked out of the park on the show. Love listening to her sing it. Running is therapeutic time to me, letting go of stresses and hurts. "With a broken wing, she carries her dreams..."

Ok, the song titles related to my run in these ways:

Tattoo- could be endured better than this run
One Step at a Time- that's the only way I'll finish this run
Freeze- take a picture, it won't last long
Shy Boy- don't look at me while I run
Now You Tell Me- that I shouldn't have eaten that donut the other day, in the gut, stuck to butt
Next to You- can't run fast enough to get there
Just For the Record- the only reason I'm running
Permanent Monday- It is Monday, and yes I think this run will never end
Young And In Love- Old, I'm old now
See My Side- my good one, not the back one
God Loves Ugly- speaks for itself!
Worth the Wait- or was that weight?
This Is My Now- so I better make the best of it